Lithium-Ion Specialist Paco

The world is currently being extended with products that use Li-ion batteries
From mobile phones to storage systems for solar panel systems to electrical vehicles.

The media is informing us that these batteries are very dangerous and if
they are in fire nothing can stop the fire then putting them 30 days in water.

We, BedrijfsadviesPaco, and our Partner Flamblocker, are convinced , by all the tests performed, that our products can garantee the safety you are looking for.
Because trying to find simular products without li -ion batteries is more hard
then trying to find ways to protect yourself , avoid fire and fight the fire with good extinguishers 
We take the liberty to invite you to check our portfolio , try to find the
right extinguisher you want/ need to increase your safety.
Our products are not cheap or for free but we can garantee a perfect
match/ solution for each situation with the same end result.

We operate in the Netherlands as well in Europe without any restrictions.
In the event you are not able to find the right solution/ fire extinguisher do not hesitate to contact us, as we are more then happy to assist you to find the proper solution.

Our contacts:                                                         +31(0) 6-31227194