Logistic info

Here you will find relevant information in the field of logistics regarding our products.


Product - description Quantity of units Approximate dimension Approximate
shipping weight
Flamauto automatic fire extinguisher - Single unit 1 37,7 x 11,2 x 9 cm - 1,2 kg (2,64 lb)
Flamauto automatic fire extinguisher - Cardboard 10 57 x 38,5 x 18,5 cm 0,041 m³ 12 kg (26,45 lb)
Flamauto automatic fire extinguisher - Euro Palette 240 120 x 80 x 125,4 cm 1,204 m³ 265 kg (584,22 lb)


Product - description Quantity of units Approximate dimension Approximate
shipping weight
Mabo – automatic fire extinguisher - Single unit 1 37,7 x 11,2 x 9 cm - 1,2 kg (2,64 lb)
Mabo – automatic fire extinguisher - Cardboard 10 57 x 38,5 x 18,5 cm 0,041 m³ 12 kg (26,45 lb)
Mabo – automatic fire extinguisher - Euro Palette 240 120 x 80 x 125,4 cm 1,204 m³ 265 kg (584,22 lb)

Throwing Extinguisher

Product - description Quantity of units Approximate dimension
(L x W x H)
shipping weight
Mab – hand throwing extinguisher- Single unit 1 7,9 x 7,9 x 23,3 cm - 0,5 kg (1.1 lb)
Mab – hand throwing extinguisher - Cardboard 15 40 x 25 x 24 cm 0,024 m³ 12,5 kg (27,5 lb)
Mab – hand throwing extinguisher - Euro Palette 540 120 x 80 x 110,4 cm 1,060 m³ 475 kg (1047,20 lb)


Product - description Quantity of units Approximate dimension
(L x W x H)
shipping weight
Mar 1 – water additive firefighting agent
20 liter/5 gallon pail
1 29,5 x 26 x 34 cm 0.026 m³
(1.25 ft³)
21 kg (45 lb)
Mar 1 – water additive firefighting agent
20 liter / 5 gallon pail on euro pallet
24 120 x 80 x 82,5 cm 0,792 m³
(27.70 ft³)
528 kg (1165 lb)
Mar 1 – water additive firefighting agent
tote 1000 liter / 265 gallon
1 120 x 100 x 120 cm 1.44 m³
(50.05 ft³)
1118 kg (2465 lb)


Product - description Quantity of units Approximate dimension
(L x W x H)
shipping weight
Mar 2 – water additive firefighting agent
20 liter/5 gallon pail
1 29,5 x 26 x 34 cm 0.026 m³
(1.25 ft³)
21 kg (45 lb)
Mar 2 – water additive firefighting agent
20 liter / 5 gallon pail on euro pallet
24 120 x 80 x 82,5 cm 0,792 m³
(27.70 ft³)
528 kg (1165 lb)
Mar 2 – water additive firefighting agent
tote 1000 liter / 265 gallon
1 120 x 100 x 120 cm 1.44 m³
(50.05 ft³)
1118 kg (2465 lb)